Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tucson 3 -Major Bike Ride - Super Moon Eclipse

This week I went exploring on my bike up the Santa Cruse River trail and then on the the Rillito Loop trail. Ended up being a trip of 40 to 50 miles. A lot more than I started the day expecting. Some of the sites along the way include a Road Runner , The only running stream I have seen in Tucson, a decorated bridge, a bike sculpture, and the Catalina Mountains.

The next event was to get up at 4:00am to try to photograph the lunar eclipse. To bad my skill were not up to the task. You have to take my word, that it was great.

Album here

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Tucson Post 2

I know it has been a while since doing a post. We are still here and enjoying the weather.

I took a class at Woodcraft on doing stone inlays. The project I made is
here. It was a two day project and I think it turned out very well. It is a cutting board but I think it will only be used for serving.

Next was a hike to Gould Mine with the hiking club here. No pictures if the mine as it was a hole in the ground covered with metal grate over it. The hike was a little over 4 miles with great company. Did find some old graphic on the rocks.

Last was a meetup with Courtney and Steve from AStreaminLife. They have a YouTube channel that I watch regularly. The event was a hike in Sweetwater Preserve. Check them out if you like.

I have also  been doing a little flying with my drone. No worth while footage however.
Here is the link to the Album.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Tucson Post 1

We left our friends in Prescott on Jan 3 and headed to Tucson. On the way the temperature kept going up. It was getting in the 80's and we discovered that the air conditioning in the truck had stopped working. A trip to the dealer service department,  new compressor and several $$ all is good.

So far the weather in Tucson has been 10 to 15 degrees above normal. I guess we are getting the benefit of the cold affecting the east.

There are a couple of pictures of South Side Presbyterian Church that we attend. I would have to say it is not like any other church we have attended but the services are entertaining.
Church Entrance
The The inside is a Kiva, with everyone seated in a circle around the circumference.

Here are some pictures taken while visiting Saguaro West National park.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Prescott, AZ

It time to bring you up to date. Continuing the good weather and good roads we arrived at our good friends Debbie and Tom's place in Prescott, AZ. New Years Eve they took us to the Palace Saloon for dinner with a couple of their friends. It was then back home and in bed by 10:00. No one was up to see the boot drop at mid night.

Monday we took a short pleasant hike on and old railroad grade. The pictures were taken with my drone while on the trail. It was good to get it out and practice a bit. Still got a lot of work to do to get comfortable. Hopefully as the winter progresses I get better pictures.

Debbie and Tom are having an addition added to their house as you will see in the pictures. They were pouring the footers while we were there. Had to take pictures of the trucks for Theo.

We spent a lot of time discussing Alaska travel with Debbie and Tom. They were going with us originally but continue their plans without us.

On the way to Prescott we discovered that the Air Conditioning in the truck was no longer working. It was a very warm drive and have scheduled to have it fixed on Monday.

The trailer has been great except for a drawer slide which broke. Airstream is sending a replacement.

I think I forgot to mention that we burned through 2/3 of a 30lb tank of propane each day on the trip out here but the tanks did not freeze. We top off the propane each day just to be sure.

Photos Here

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Start of the 2018 Camping Season

As a most of you know we are heading to Tucson for the winter. We left Dublin last Wednesday morning with the temperature at 1 degree. Little did we know that we would not get 20 degrees until Friday afternoon when entering New Mexico. Even got up to 69 in the afternoon. We lucked out with dry roads and good driving conditions the whole way.

Tonight we are in the Sky City Casino Campground, AZ

The pictures here are from the campground.

We have some bad news and good news. The bad news is that we will not be going to Alaska this summer as originally planned. The reason is the good news Theo our grandson expecting to become a big brother this summer. We can not miss this event.

Tucson 3 -Major Bike Ride - Super Moon Eclipse

This week I went exploring on my bike up the Santa Cruse River trail and then on the the Rillito Loop trail. Ended up being a trip of 40 to ...